Our Classroom allows teachers to migrate their physical classroom into a virtual one. They can conduct secured live video and text classes, use and share various teaching resources in those live classes. As the classes are recorded and archived, the teachers and students can re-watch the classes. All the students attendance is recorded in the classroom. Essentially, our Classroom provides all the core features required for teachers to manage both face-to-face as well as online teaching all in one platform.

Key Features

  • Create and schedule one-time or repetitive classes​.
  • Sent automatic notifications about classes.
  • Conduct live video & text classes, share screen, and other digital resources.
  • Create assignments and give to students.
  • Receive assignments and publish the grades and remarks on the same platform​.
  • View reports of the whole class or individual student.

Are you interested to know more about Classroom?

Send us an email at learn@advancedpedagogy.com